Clark’s Trading Post (a persuasive piece about a family NH adventure)

Family Adventure to Clark’s Trading Post

For our family adventure, we went to Clark’s Trading Post.  It is in the White Mountains.  When we got there, the first thing we did was going to a bear show!  They had three black bears and one brown bear.  All they did were do tricks like  playing basketball, walking on a ball, and going on a swing.  My favorite trick the bear did was basketball!

Then we went to the Curiosity Museum.  It is awesome.  It is filled  with antiques like muskets, swords, firefighter things, plates, knives, and forks.

Next, the Anaconda Escape Slide.  The Anaconda Escape Slide was so much fun!  I went on it seven times.  It feels like you’re in a video game.  It is mostly in the dark.  One half is in the dark, and the other is light.  It is green, long, and windy.  Remember the heavier your tube, the faster you go and the wetter you get.

Wolfman and the train ride.  Dun dun dun bunnnnnn.  I also went on a train ride.  A wolfman chased us.  He fired his gun and tried running us off the track with his jeep.  He’s scared of heights and water.  Everybody on the train yelled, “Scram, you  old goat!”

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