Young Eagles

Josh and I were actually entering a helicopter!

The pilot’s name was Roger.  His helicopter was colored blue, yellow, and black.  

I was amazed when we were in the air.  We landed on an island in the middle of the Connecticut River.  I saw a bald eagle!  It was the all time best.  We saw so much tech.  We saw other people take off on the runway.

After everyone was back, we had a picnic lunch on the flight deck.  Then we went to the control tower.  The control tower is a tall tower.  It signals to the planes.

Fun fact:  One of the helicopters was based off of Jurassic.

I loved Young Eagles!


Brown Spring

Brown Spring

The brown is boring like the dog pound.

The brown is like a sound.

The brown is fun but gets boring after some time

The brown mud,

The sunshine reflects off the brown mud.

The brown mud sounds 

Like it echoes off the birds chirping.

After a while, the brown mud dries up,

And then it’s dirt,

And then it’s spring.